Ethan Persoff // po box 7254 // austin, tx 78713 // RSS Feed


UPDATE: As of September 06 all news will now be posted at this link. Click there for recent things comics, music, etc. Below is previous posts from 2003-2006. Thank you - Ethan


August 17, 2006

Art Showing at Royal Edinburgh Hospital,
with Daniel Johnston, Renee French, others

Work from TEDDY and CHARLIE PICKLE is currently on exhibit at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland. The show is put together by FUNCTIONSUITE (click link for more information) and is located in the Hospital's Link Gallery; easily accessble to patients, their family, and hospital staff. Very pleased to participate in a show like this.

Other artists include Mark Martin, Graham Annable, Daniel Johnston, Tomer Hanuka, Joel Orff, Josh Neufeld, Renee French, Scott Mills, Hunt Emmerson, Vincent Stall, Malcy Duff, jenniferdaydreamer, Max Estes, Matt Madden, Tom Hart, Jonathon Sperry, Dan James, Jeffrey Brown, Dan Wilson, and Moldy Peaches' Kimya Dawson.

The Royal Edinburgh is a Victorian residential psychiatric hospital.

More information on the Functionsuite's "Artlink Hospital Arts" project -

Thanks and best, Ethan

April 21, 2006


Long-lost 1980's Nancy Reagan anti-drug music video

with LaToya Jackson, Whitney houston, many others

Thank you.

March 28 , 2006



Above, an old medical illustration of Syphilis. Awful situation, but pretty beautifully rendered, don't you think?

February 15, 2006

Bomb Scare comics

and The H-BOMB AND YOU(1954)

February 6, 2006

Large site update

SNAP reposted
comics with problems #6

January 22 , 2006

1973 Roe V Wade Decision Comics Debate!



January 11 , 2006

1956 Martin Luther King Comic Book Message

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIP JAR- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Paypal $5, $25, $50, $100, another amount...

- Very appreciated, Thank you -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIP JAR
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

January 1 , 2006

Fifth issue of COMICS WITH PROBLEMS posted

Hey Hey Heyyyyy....

Happy New Year - Ethan

December 15 , 2005:


A lot of fun if you consider the second panel in each as the joke or punchline. 95 comic strips total.

Happy New Year, as well - Ethan

November 21, 2005:

First issue of the Recovery of Charlie Pickle now posted. Click to read. Thank you.

Thanks and Best - Ethan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIP JAR- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Paypal $5, $25, $50, $100, another amount...

- Very appreciated, Thank you -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIP JAR
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

November 6 , 2005:

We decided to put our decorations up early this year. Here's two early holiday gifts from us, to you

1984 CIA "GRENADA" Comic Book - click to read
1947 "Story of Johnny Surge" Comic Book - click to read

More information at the intro page
Something even better on Dec 15.

Also: First issue of CHARLIE PICKLE will post here,
on Monday November 21. See you then.

Thanks and Happy Holidays - Ethan

September 22, 2005:

Fourth issue of COMICS WITH PROBLEMS posted.

"Capt. Veedee-O and Ms. Wanda Lust in VD CLAPTRAP"

A wonderful eye-popping addition to our growing list of problems. Can't even go into detail on the bizarre string of events that brought this one to our attention, but here it is, just in time for fall romance and the pre-holiday shopping season. Click and be informed at this long lost Sex Education PBS-related 1972 gem. And with full sincerity, as Ms. Wanda or the Captain might say, VENUS OR BUST, SHANKERS AWAY!

September 20, 2005:

New book out

by Roanne Bell and Mark Sinclair
New book out from Laurence King, now out in UK stores.
(Also available in the US from Yale Press) - more information

Large new book. Features a lot of amazing comics art; Some previously published work, some new. All of it very well presented. For me it's the first time portions of DOG AND HIS ELEPHANT and TEDDY have been printed in a nice sized heavy format. The whole thing is very nice and I'm happy to be included. A substantial chunk of comics from over thirty artists from Europe, Hong Kong, Iran, the US, UK, other places.

Partial list of contributors (with some links):
Tom Gauld
Simone Lia
Sammy Harkham
David Rees
Jordan Crane - (whose new "Clouds Above" book is really something, btw)
Ron Rege Jr
Marjane Satrapi
Joe Sacco
Jim Woodring ......- full list -


In addition, a show of work from artists included in the book is currently being held at Magma Books in London, and is part of this year's London Design Festival. A large piece of mine from my upcoming CHARLIE PICKLE story is included in the exhibition.


Magma Books
Book detail from their website (click 'look inside')
London Design Festival

Best regards - Ethan

August 26 , 2005:

A small teaser for my new story, "THE RECOVERY OF CHARLIE PICKLE", can be found on the front page.

Subscribe to the RSS to keep posted. Thanks. Hope you are all having a nice summer, too. Best, Ethan

July 19, 2005:

Third issue of COMICS WITH PROBLEMS posted.

"Where there's smoke . . . THERE'S DANGER!"

A fun anti-cigarette comic with pretty effective science lessons from 1965. Interesting and confused views from a time when most adults still smoked and it was apparently okay for schoolkids to smoke on the playground.

Also, the letter section from COMICS WITH PROBLEMS #2 has been posted

July 11, 2005:

A DOG AND HIS ELEPHANT is back online.

Not at serializer anymore, though. We're deciding to keep it just here for the time being. If you'd like to read it, cost is a low dollar-fifty and supports all the free stuff you find here. Click the link for more information.

June 28, 2005:

Please welcome our new columnist.

June 15, 2005:

Pardon the interruption, SPREE is now back online
please distribute, thank you.

May 6, 2005:

March 17, 2005:

Second issue of COMICS WITH PROBLEMS now posted

More information on the RSS. Thank you. — Ethan


February 16 , 2005:

New section to this website added
More information found on the RSS feed.


January 7, 2005:

SPREE: An Escape from Reality is finished. Click to listen — Ethan

January 3, 2005:

Hello - I've added an RSS Feed to this site.

Information about new music and comics, etc, delivered right to your RSS inbox.
Subscribe to to receive updates and news, as well as get incidental links to other places on the web as well as hidden links on this site that I don't post about. RSS is sort of like a non-intrusive email list or bulletin board. If you don't already use RSS, here's a link to help you out.

Thanks and Happy New Year, Ethan

November entries deleted.

October 19, 2004:

As it's a work in progress, SPREE is still changing while things get figured out. An improved version of side two has been posted, with some new stuff on it and a little neccessary fat trimmed. Please replace your existing copy of side two with the new one. Sides three and four still to come. Thank you.


October 14, 2004:

Exciting news. BUSH JUNTA Book is now available. Packed with art, writing, facts and jokes about the administration, tracing it all the way back to World War 2. Click on the book above to get a copy. Yours for about 13 bucks. There isn't a bad piece in the entire thing.

I contributed two pieces - one on Ashcroft, the other a collaboration with Austin poster artist Jasun Huerta, on the Patriot Act.

Order the Bush Junta with this link (more info at the link, too)

Here's a link to posted page samples
(there you'll find my first page on the Ashcroft piece)

Also, mr K Thor Jensen, of Amber Forever and Red Eye Black Eye has put together a CD of music based entirely on found high school song lyrics. Click this link for more information.

I contributed one song to the effort, the lyrics and title to which are here, and the lyrics to the entire album are here. Pick up a copy of the album, you won't be disappointed. All proceeds go towards supporting bad highschool lyrics.

Finally, since everyone loves passing this link around, if you haven't seen it, here's Bill O'Reilly's sexual harassment papers

Watch out for the falafel ladies.

Thanks and best, Ethan

September 7, 2004:

NEW MUSIC POSTED, click here for info
First two sides finished, sides three and four to follow.

Quite pleased with this one.
Please share with others, thank you. — Ethan

. - from SKATING SKILLS -.

September 3, 2004:

another new restored comic for you

1950s SKATING SKILLS comic book

Goofy but couldn't resist. Just in time for back to school. Newly posted for reading on this website, or for downloading directly to your hard drive. A great extremely campy comic book about rollerskating which I doubt you've ever read or heard of. I'm offering it along with two mp3s of hammond organ music from an actual rollerskating rink from that era AND an alternate commentary option re-envisioning the comic book as one about a wife-collecting rollerskating cult who travel from town to town with their hypnotic music and their mind-controlling skates.

Click the link above for more information.
And beware the mind controlling rolling feet — Thanks, Ethan

August 31, 2004:

Hi -- I've decided to put together a zip file of the entire Teddy story. Please feel encouraged to keep a copy of the Teddy story on your computer to read and to pass the zip file around like you would an mp3. One stipulation: Please do not upload the Teddy story to your personal website without emailing me for permission and details, etc. For now I'd really prefer Teddy only be posted here, but for archival and file-sharing interests I'm posting this zip file. Thanks for the many of you who have written requesting such a thing be made available, and for your patience in me getting one prepared.

Download TEDDY with this link
-- (3.9 Mb file)

Note: when unzipped, open the "index.html" file to read.

This zip file is only offered for archiving and file-sharing, not for publishing this story elsewhere on the web, or for selling in any capacity ... And of course, you can still read Teddy without downloading anything at this link

Thanks. Best regards, Ethan.

August 18, 2004:

Well, you certainly don't see this very often. A surprisingly mint copy of the 1957 Atomic Revolution Comic Book has found its way onto Ebay

Ha, so now we know there's at least two known copies to exist. Maybe you can win it.

more information about the 1957 Atomic Revolution Comic Book

Also, check back here very soon for a new recording of twisted funny and bizarre Horse songs. If you enjoyed SNAP! you will really have a good time with this new stuff. Nearly two years of production, editing and recording time covering topics as mundane as conception and childbirth to ridding the world of filthy longhair beatnics. This new work is very much SNAP's sequel, as well as its big brother. I promise you that.

Alright, talk to you soon, Ethan

August 2, 2004

magazine clipping:

click on Lindsay

The Bush Junta introduces the worst comic-book villians ever

(page 92 with the Lindsay Lohan cheesecake pose on the cover)

QUOTE: In the pantheon of comic-book supervillians - from Doctor Doom to Lex Luthor - how do the nefarious subjects of The Bush Junta: A Field Guide to Corruption in Government stack up? "No comparison; they're the worst," says co-editor Mack White. The 200-page illustrated history of the Bush family, due out in September from Fantagraphics Books, features twenty-five top alternative comic artists - full list of cartoonists found here - contributing pieces ranging from a cutting profile of National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice to a factually shocking, hilariously drawn strip detailing Nazi connections of the president's grandfather, Prescott Bush. The comic-book corollary to Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11, "The Bush Junta sprang from a sense of revulsion at the duplicity and thuggishness of our current administration," says publisher Gary Groth. "In other words, from a long-surpressed sense of patriotism." One wonders what the president himself would make of The Bush Junta. "If he was sitting there drinking a beer and eating a pretzel, he would choke," White says, "but this book is about informing people. A better informed public makes it harder for the government to perpetuate its skullduggery."

— Peter Relic, Rolling Stone #955

I'm told the book will be in stores sometime in August but to guarantee a copy I'd pre-order now, certainly -- Ethan

(now available) Order the Bush Junta with this link

July 30, 2004:

Mack White has put together a space on his website specifically for the upcoming BUSH JUNTA book. The section is currently under construction, so check it often for updates, art, etc

That link:

The final version of the cover by Steve Brodner, shown above.

Damn, huh? Click the above link for more information.

July 29, 2004:


At the request (and good suggestion) of others, I'm now offering a few shirts and other items for sale. Here's the link:

If this works out (meaning kind wonderful people like yourself pick up an item or two), I'll be able to expand from cafe press to offer you nicer things at better prices. But I think this is a good selection to begin with.

You have:

• A Teddy Button
• A Package of Eight Teddy Postcards
• A Bumper Sticker
• A multicolored Yellow and Black vinyl Teddy Pissing Sticker
• A lunch box featuring art from the 1966 HOOKED comic book
• An Eleanor Tile Box (from A Dog and His Elephant)
• A Mug featuring art from the 1957 Atomic Revolution comic book
• Three Teddy T-Shirts (see above, one not shown)
• One Teddy Sweatshirt

I'll hope to offer some Cds and other stuff through a regular Paypal button in a week or so.

The link to the t-shirt store again is:

Thanks -- Ethan

July 21 2004:

HOOKED word balloon in collage, from the Principia Discordia

A reader wrote today recognizing the "hey man ... great!" word balloon from HOOKED as part of art from the 41st page of the 1968 absurdist classic, the Principia Discordia (see above)

more information about HOOKED!

July 10 2004:

1966 HOOKED! comic book about heroin abuse

Newly added to our growing list of strange comics. Click the link for more information. In a few months I'll be adding two or three more, too.

June 15 2004:

A Dog and His Elephant reviewed
in detail by the Webcomics Examiner

thank you, very appreciated.

-- More info on A Dog and His Elephant --

June 8 2004:

Work from POGOSTICK (the comic book by Al Columbia and myself) is on display in a "Spirit of the Harveys" exhibit at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MOCCA) in NYC. Here's a link ... the show will run through August 6th.

Also, occasionally in your record-collecting you find something really great and worth posting. Here's a scan of a recent acquisition:

"Little Boy Lost" by a singer blessed with the name Johnny Ashcroft ... oh man, little boy lost indeed, right? ... And the most beautiful touch: on the "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" rca label

For information on our Attorney General's doppelganger, click here
quote from the link, "The Johnny Ashcroft Show pioneered the first break-throughs into the metropolitan club circuit for country music, a place some believed country music could never reach. " - Thanks Bizarro Johnny!

And for an even more entertaining spin on history, containing Voltron and Mister T, please be sure to play the Anti-Bush videogame (link below) - This is easily one of the most impressive things I've ever seen, honestly. It has its flaws (the pacing, mostly) but the presentation and concept is gorgeous and very entertaining. Continue playing until you meet up with a copulating George Senior and Barbara, soon followed by an excellent presentation on taxation and fiscal responsibility. All the while you get to be Hulk Hogan.

Play the Anti-Bush videogame
Brought to you by the very talented Jason Oda.

p.s. — though I mention it in the post right beneath this one, the Bush Junta book is now available for pre-order, from Amazon

I've seen a number of pieces going into this book (examples of artwork abound by scrolling down Mack White's blog entries) and I can promise you it's going to be an event when published. To be sure you are guaranteed a copy, you should most definitely pre-order from the link above.

Thank you, Ethan

May 28 2004:
yeehaw, you lucky lil' patriots and patri-ettes...
the BUSH JUNTA book is now available for pre-order, from Amazon
(I'll have a piece in there, along with an amazing list of other cartoonists, details to follow soon) ... The entire book will be fact-based comics on the Bush Administration (past and present) complete with a bibliography and index. Co-edited by Gary Groth and Mack White.

Check out the stunning cover image by Steven Brodner:

Out in stores from Fantagraphics, this September
pre-order early and pre-order often!

April 21 2004:
Well this is nice news, thank you.
POGOSTICK has been nominated for a 2004 Harvey Award
for best new series

March 22 2004:
Thanks to everyone who picked up a John Ashcroft card at SXSW.
Information about the Bush Junta book can be found at this link, scroll down to the March 3rd entry (and while there, enjoy all of Mack's wonderful comics) - mack white dot com

Feb 5 2004:
Pogostick #2 now available.
visit Fantagraphics for more information

Sept 23 2003:
Charlie Pickle story has started
current entry is free. To view the archives costs 25¢
read more information about CHARLIE PICKLE

July 21 2003:
now accepting BitPass payments for the entire
'a Dog and His Elephant' story. Price of admission: $1.00
read more information about A DOG AND HIS ELEPHANT

thanks to BitPass for including this in their beta

purchase details:
$1.00 buys you 25 reads, or 5 days access
to all 225 pages and 15 chapters of

A Dog and His Elephant


- also -
for everything else on this site, if it interests you, here are three bitpass donations to choose from.

your support is very appreciated

in stores now:

...... (click cover to enlarge)

POGOSTICK #1 by Al Columbia and Ethan Persoff
$4.95 from Fantagraphics Books - order online

Second issue now available as well.


click this link
and type 'pogostick'
into the search box, or call Fantagraphics
Books directly at 1-800-657-1100

purchase through BitPass


225 pgs - told in a unique flip-book-like presentation
access it immediately online through bitpass for just one dollar

(non-reoccurring fee, sure to entertain) -
more info

here are some free things for you:

80 pgs - a story about Teddy and his Girl

sock puppet show with Heather Ward, Nathan Wayman and Jenni Ripley

1957 atomic revolution comic book
scanned comic found at an estate sale,
now with interesting commentary from

1966 HOOKED! comic book < ••• NEW
another great comic from the past. this one on heroin abuse.

October 16 2003:


Now available, email for a copy
fifteen dollars, postpaid.

"SAVE THIS FOR LATER, it's not music."
1993-1997, chicago

two discs of Sound work I did during college in Chicago from 1993 through 1997. Lots of noise, loops, samples, and static. Also, self-made instruments, electronic devices and feedback. A lot of different work. If experimental sound is your cup of tea, you'll be very interested in this

over two hours on two CDs

I will be making a very limited number of these. If you would like me to hold one for you, please email. Update - I'm now sold out, thanks to those who picked up a copy.


••• > SPREE: An Escape From Reality < ••• NEW
- Horse music / 4 side LP - click link for titles and information
sides one and two released september 2004, sides three and four posted january 2005

"I Stayed Home ..."
- Horse music / 1 sided single, click link to listen, good for the weeknights
recorded january 2003, released in june

25 Lessons in HYPNOTISM
- Horse music / 6 side LP sketchbook, 137 ideas on six mp3s
recorded march through september 2002

- Horse music / 2 sides on one mp3, click link to listen
recorded april 2001

previous horse album, "forty minutes forty memories" is out of print and no longer available - some mp3s of it will be posted in the future, though

Creative Commons License

all mp3s posted above are licensed for distribution and filesharing under a Creative Commons Lic

watch the horse spin

here are some sample mp3s from

"SAVE THIS FOR LATER, it's not music."
1993-1997, chicago

"Part One" - 8 MG download

"Flying Saucers ( flying saucers )"
- 5 MG download

"grasshopper" - 1 MG download

details on top of this page.
licensed for distribution under a Creative Commons License

click to read previous entries ......

birds courtesy of companion animal carving.
if you enjoy teddy, horse music or other free things here, please


Thanks -- Ethan

................. email

..Bush Junta: A Field Guide to Corruption in Government
..brought to you by Fantagraphics Books. Now available