Presenting a vintage 1950s comic book, with two mp3 files and an alternate commentary re-envisioning the comic as a story about a cult of wife-collecting rollerskate weirdos

It's back to school time at, so here are your...

rollerskating comic book

with optional alternate commentary and two mp3 files for you to download and keep.

You might be wondering why we'd want to follow up a comic book about heroin abuse with a comic on rollerskating, but once you have read through SKATING SKILLS I think the answer will be obvious: these kids are absolutely incurably ADDICTED to roller skating!

SKATING SKILLS is easily the corniest comic I own and I've given it the same restoration honor that Atomic Revolution and HOOKED received to share with you online. Why? Well, it's a very funny comic, full of campy overly enthusiastic dialogue (all about rollerskating) and great 1950s outfits and hairstyles.

It's also a very useful comic packed with pages of extremely useful instruction and tips for learning how to rollerskate. I personally learned how to rollerskate with this comic and would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn or improve. Best of all, SKATING SKILLS seems to live in a great alternate reality, the plot essentially being four kids making an entire town "rollerskating conscious" - it's a very funny tale, also full of very useful information.

one of the more complicated lessons covered: the figure eight

But wait! there's MORE!...

I'm ALSO providing an alternate commentary option to this comic, re-envisioning SKATING SKILLS as a weird story about mind control, teenage insecurity, peer pressure and cult worship in a small town. The clues are there in every panel, with notes provided above each comic panel to help you out. This is an option you can turn off, but it also makes SKATING SKILLS an even more entertaining read.

And ... wait ... ALSO!...
to finally sweeten the pot, I'm including two mp3s of ACTUAL rollerskating music, procured from vinyl albums belonging at one time to a genuine midwest roller skating rink (these are actual records used night after night in skating rinks of that era) These classics, both performed roaringly (or limply, take your pick) on a hammond organ, are the exact same music the kids in this comic go crazy for in SKATING SKILLS. It's a far cry from rock n roll, too. It will give you the proper soundtrack to this odd little tale. And in the alternate commentary version, you'll then be able to hear the actual music that hypnotizes the town!

These two music files alone should be of interest to record collectors out there, as I doubt you have any music from rollerskating rinks in your music collection. Surely these mp3s are almost worth the cost of admission on their own.

from the story: Ann is right, and Bill is a genius.

So, get out your bitpass cards, SKATING SKILLS offers you:

• A vintage, very rare 1950s comic book, from our private collection. 32 pages of story about rollerskating, completely restored to our highest standards, as found in other comics found on this site.

• DVD-styled interface, providing a chapter index and easy page-to-page navigation

A very useful tutorial on rollerskating, over TWENTY pages of illustrated instruction, teaching you all the secrets behind basic balance (it's in the hips) to starting, stroking, leans, four-wheel stops, backward skating, cross-fronting, cross-backing, waltzing, stag lifts and more!


• An optional alternative commentary track, re-envisioning SKATING SKILLS as a story about mind control and cult worship


• Two high quality mp3s
(sampled at 192 kpbs) of skating 1950s hammond organ skating music from an actual midwestern skating rink

(one note on the mp3s:
these files have a certain level of dust and static on them, being handled vinyl recordings, but that's much of the authentic "from the rink" charm that you'll never hear on cds)


SKATING SKILLS is available as a downloadable zip file for just $6.95, which contains the personally restored comic, the two mp3 files, and the additional commentary.


You will need a Bitpass account.
All purchases are anonymous, but feel free to email for any questions.

Once you have a Bitpass account, click the following link to access and download the story immediately:

$6.95 to immediately own a copy of SKATING SKILLS with Organ Music:

Keep the entire comic on your computer for as long as you'd like.
It is recommended that you make a CD copy for archiving, as well

IMPORTANT: Access to this download page expires 24 hours after you purchase it, so please download the zip file immediately after you buy it — or if something prevents you from this, please be sure to
email for other arrangements.

If you don't want to use Bitpass — I also offer this to you via a paypal payment, wherein I email you the file or point you to a temporary URL to download the thing. This option is ten dollars - email me to arrange this if this is preferable to you.

Thank you for your interest!, Ethan

other bitpass items available on this website:

vintage comics:
1966 HOOKED comic book

and also:
A Dog and His Elephant

everything else on