The Political Work of Vladimir Debutkis, of Bulgaria

WE RECEIVED THIS ARTWORK WITH THIS MESSAGE: Hello. You will please not excuse my English for I am of Bulgaria and using translation internet to confiscate with you. But found on your site the "1934 McCain Tijuana Bible" and immediately took inspiration and wanted to make my own sexual wrestle for world view. Enclosed is such piece. For dialogue, to ensure fluid language, I have found own filthy comic book from 1940 united states, which I quote for many times in the beginnings, and then made words from actual quotes of politicians for rear end of piece. I am student of American popularity culture and enjoyed placing Republican rodents into comic book intercoure scenes. Cast of characters is Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi as Popeye, Condoleezza Rice as Moon Mullins, Mitt Romney, Nancy Reagan, The pair of Maggie and Jiggs played by John McCain as Maggie and Cindy McCain as Jiggs, Josef Clapp' Lieberman, Antonin Scalia, Bill O'Reilly, Clarence Thomas, Reverend James Dobson, Michael Huckabee as Major Hoople, Ralph Reed, and added just this week, Mrs Sarah Palin... I have made the work over two months time - am professional portrait artist in Bulgaria shopping center. It is good rent and food payer but lacks satisfaction. I found large and very engorged satisfaction with this work and thank you persuasively for any thought to publish on your site on computer tv. You have my exclusive permission for broadcast. It is cold soon in Bulgaria. I can hear the dogs outside so have to go. Thank you and God be kind. Sincerely and goad tidings, Vladimir

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