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John Wilcock, New York Years — Now Available for purchase!

Kickstarter Update Aug 10 2021: All orders shipped! If you have not received your copy, reach out to us. Enjoy your book!

The Complete Series is available for purchase here for all buyers, regardless of if you contributed to the Kickstarter.
Hey, LOOK! Now Available:

A growing Wilcock archive is being presented in twice a month installments. Similar to The Realist Archive before it, this will be a full archive of issues of John Wilcock's OTHER SCENES and other material found in the 230 page printed biography. Regular monthly updates.



Readers Write:

"Complete print edition received. The most fun that has come in the mailbox all year!"

"Got your book!! SO GREAT!! It's a magical time machine.."

"Just wanted to say I just finished the Wilcock book - and what a joy it was! The book has already inspired me to look up countless tangents related to the American Counterculture: Aspen Magazine, Other Scenes, The Realist. So many places to go!"

Curious about the book itself? You can buy a copy (to delight yourself or a friend) The video below from the Kickstarter describes it well:

Make Your Mind Feel Good: BUY A BOOK TODAY

News: The first chapter from John Wilcock has been included in this year's BEST AMERICAN COMICS 2017 - Our thanks.

Welcome to John Wilcock, New York Years

"A deftly presented bio-comic that illuminates New York’s underground press movement at midcentury"
— The Washington Post

Scroll down to read Chapter One
Also available here on separate pages: Chapter Two and Chapter Three

A few highlights from this series:

"Co-Founding the Village Voice"
"Editing Norman Mailer"
"An Interview with Jean Shepherd"

Note: Chapters Four through Eight are available at Boing Boing. Click here for a full index of available pages.

A few highlights from the Boing Boing installments: The History of ECHO Magazine, Thelonious Monk's Heroin Arrest, Timothy Leary's First Week on Hallucinogens, Ladies and Gentlemen LENNY BRUCE, Michael Hollingshead Turns On the World, and this fun one on Andy Warhol.

Hello. Pleased to present a comic book biography on underground publisher and political agitator, John Wilcock. John's had a very interesting and "behind the scenes" lie. From contributing to dozens of independent papers, and being a close associate and biographer of Andy Warhol.










Eyeball Tests

BONUS ITEM: Each issue of the John Wilcock comic will include some bonus material. Here's the extra item for the first installment, "Eyeball Tests with Marilyn Monroe" (click image for full size)


An authorized biography of John Wilcock, member of Warhol's Factory and co-founder of the Underground Press Syndicate
Art: Ethan Persoff and Scott Marshall | Script: Ethan Persoff | Based on an extensive and ongoing interview with John Wilcock.

Original Introduction from the beginning of this project: