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You are reading Issue No. 85, also referred to as the "Monthly Issues Set" - Including A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN OAKLAND 7 by Reese Erlich, CONFESSIONS OF A SWINGER as told to John Wilcock, and THE LAST DAYS OF CHÉ GUEVARA by Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, P.K., and Ed Sanders
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The Monthly Issues Set - Issue No. 85
Dec 1968 through June 1969

An anomaly in the history of The Realist, this assortment of issues, collectively referred to as "Issue No. 85" is comprised of six monthly four page sheets. This abbreviated output from December 1968 through June 1969 is an indication of the unique turbulence of that time, particularly for activists and artists -- many of whom were prominent Realist contributors. This set of issues closely follows the September DNC riots in Chicago (see "The Yippies Are Going to Chicago", issue 82) and begins one month after Nixon's win for the U.S. presidency. For a further tenor of this confrontational era, see "The Trial of Abbie Hoffman's Shirt" in issue 84. See also the lead story here, "A Day in the Life of an Oakland Seven" by Oakland 7 conspiracy trial member Reese Erlich.

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DECEMBER 1968 CONTENTS: Page 01: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN OAKLAND SEVEN by Reese Erlich -- Page 02: EDITORIAL GIGGIES -- Page 03: DEATH OF AN ASTRONAUT by Edmund C. Levin -- Back Page: The COCKTAIL PARTY (part one) by Jerome Agel -- FEBRUARY 1969 CONTENTS: Page 01: MORE FINAL SOLUTIONS TO THE JEWISH QUESTION by Name Withheld and ANTI-SEMITISM (dedicated to Albert Shanker) -- Page 02 -- Page 03: OIL DRUM BEATING FOR FUN AND PROFIT and WHOSE LITTLE GENOCIDE ARE YOU? -- Back Page: REPORTER AT SMALL by Robert Wolf -- MARCH 1969 CONTENTS: Page 01: THE LAST LETTERS OF CHÉ GUEVARA by Abbie Hoffman - Jerry Rubin - Paul Krassner - Ed Sanders -- Page 02 -- Page 03 -- Back Page: NO, VIRGINIA by Alan Whitney -- APRIL 1969 CONTENTS: Page 01: IS MALNUTRITION A MAJOR CAUSE OF MENTAL ILLNESS? by Jack Soltanoff -- Page 02 -- Page 03: A Jewish Joke? -- Back Page: The COCKTAIL PARTY (part two) by Jerome Agel -- MAY 1969 CONTENTS: -- Page 01: MISADVENTURES IN SPACE AND TIME by Eric Norden -- Page 02 -- Page 03: SUBCULTURAL EXCHANGE by Paul Sibley -- Back Page: TRUTH IS BUSTIN' OUT ALL OVER by Robert Lasson -- JUNE 1969 CONTENTS: Page 01: CO-EXISTING WITH LITTER AND OTHER PLEASURES by Saul Heller -- Page 02 -- Page 03 -- Last Page: CONFESSIONS OF A SWINGER as told to John Wilcock

Note: Adhering to The Realist's normal ten-month frequency, no issue was produced in January.

All original content copyright © The Realist Association and its contributing writers and artists -- Paul Krassner, Editor. Posted with Permission. Visit paulkrassner.com

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