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Monday, October 17, 2011
John Wilcock: New York Years, 1954-1971 (bio comic)

John Wilcock Comic Book
Very pleased to present, after ages of pre-production, the first eight pages of our new project giving a comic book biography to 1960s underground publisher John Wilcock. Click to read.
Art is by me and Scott Marshall (readers will recognize Scott as a longtime collaborator on this website, from Poodle, to Larry Craig, many other places)
I seriously recommend visiting and bookmarking Scott's personal site, too: http://www.scottmarshall.org

Each issue of the John Wilcock comic will include some bonus material. Here's the extra item for the first installment, "Eyeball Tests with Marilyn Monroe". Click the image for full size.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Recent items added to Comics with Problems. Uh-oh, it's:

Issue #45: Your Friend the Policeman (1960's NYPD)
Posted Oct 1 2011
NYPD comic books are not easy to find, here is the complete set of the earliest ones produced, the "YOUR FRIEND" campaign, from 1963 and 1968. We're offering these long out of print and weirdly undocumented "laffers" as an Occupy Wall St edition, along with hi-resolution art you can download of police not being friendly. Use however you'd like. Historically, the second issue of this set is interesting, as it was used to help promote the new 9-1-1 Emergency Number. But what an uncomfortable cover above, right? Pretty damn funny. Click to read.

BONUS LINK: Occupy Wall Street Condoms

Issue #44: Meet Good Willy (1953)
Posted Sept 1 2011
Pretty awkard item here. In 1953 Goodwill Industries introduced a cartoon mascot named Good Willy, who, appropriately, was handicapped himself. Original sketch was designed by Milton Caniff (who has appeared previously on this site for his Japanese/Chinese comic book) — and this hard to find comic from 1953 does a good job of introducing the Good Willy character, even supplying an origin that features Caniff himself. Problem is in the execution of the comic. The hired artist (clearly not Caniff) doesn't really handle cartooning very well, so Good Willy appears throughout the eight page story in a drunken or mental stupor, with bent and deformed hands, other distortions. A case of "was it on purpose or not" here is "THE WILL TO WIN" Click to read.
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Monday, October 10, 2011
First Listen of Paris Records
Tom Waits might joke that listening parties are dead, but they do still exist and I just returned from a good one in Dallas. Visited Michael Minzer, owner of Paris Records, for a pre-release listen of THE NOW COMPLETED "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved", an album using Hunter S. Thompson's famous article of the same name as script.
I profiled Paris Records for Evergreen Review in 2009. The full article is a good read if you're wanting a detailed history of the entire recording project that includes Allen Ginsberg, Terry Southern, William Burroughs, others ... This Hunter S. Thompson record is, very likely, the last Paris Records recording that will be produced. But quite a fun going away party.
Due to the other HST project, THE RUM DIARY arriving in theaters this fall, the Kentucky Derby album will not be available until sometime early to mid 2012. But my own preference for Thompson material is during political season; so perhaps this record is better timed as an appropriate soundtrack and mood for the upcoming elections.
The album (a seven year effort) is a line-by-line rendition of the original article that Thompson wrote for Scanlan's. Cast is Hunter S. Thompson played by Tim Robbins, Ralph Steadman performing as himself, and additional voice acting that includes Dr John and Annie Ross.
The music by Bill Frisell is quite strong, and perfect for the text (and not what one would expect). The entire atmosphere adds up to something very memorable - both surprising and a little haunting. I loved it.
It's not terribly professional to say this, but I want to drink a lot of alcohol and listen to this record. But I was only allowed one listen before being jetted back to Austin. So we'll all have to wait on the thing. A fine conclusion for the thirty year Paris Records project. It's my hope when this album is available it's distributed as far as possible - Best to them.
The Kentuck Derby is Decadent and Depraved
by Hunter S. Thompson
The complete Scanlan's Monthly article performed in full. Produced by Hal Willner and Michael Minzer
Starring Tim Robbins and Ralph Steadman
with Dr. John, Annie Ross and others.
Music by Bill Frisell (and what sounded like a 5-8 piece band)
Available on 429 Records in Spring, 2012
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Previously on the site:
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Our work in recent HBO Don't Ask Don't Tell documentary
If you watch the recent HBO Documentary, "The Strange History of Don't Ask Don't Tell", about half way through the 70 minute film is a 5-10 minute segment on the DADT comic book.
HBO contacted us about securing copies and high resolution scans for use in the film's production. We provided all the images used in the animation sequences, as well as physical props for use in the filmed segments, portraying a group of soldiers receiving the comic as a group.
"The Strange History of Don't Ask Don't Tell" should air through the month on HBO, and is available immediately via their on demand feature.
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Previously on the site:
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"...All went well until the children came home singing the jingles. Then the parents began to complain..."
New Item added to site, a golden long-lost sour nugget of early corporate influence on public education. From 1960-1968, we have:

This is an interesting item, especially if you're curious about early steps corporate america took towards getting into our public classrooms. Also a very strange looking thing that almost feels like satire, even though there isn't an (intentional) joke to be found in the document. We have the entire booklet scanned and readable here at this link.
Excerpt from the book, "Culture Against Man" by Jules Henry (1965):
...So in the end the advertisements have not really hurt anybody. Who could prove they have? But this is really not my central concern. What I argue is that advertising sacred values for pecuniary ends, that the transition from relatively harmless distortion to relatively harmful is gradual, and that the most pecuniary philosophers cannot tell the difference. Consider the following:
Jules Henry then goes on to quote the New York Times:
There are rumblings from the across the border to the north. A Canadian publisher has succeeded, by dealing with individual principals and teachers, in getting a thirty-two page exercise book called "The Educational ABC's of Industry" into Ontario schools. The glossy, multicolored work book provides a rundown of the alphabet. For $7,800 a page, an advertiser was permitted to buy a letter.
Thus, in the book, C is for Orange Crush, G is for General Motors, M is for Milko, and O is for Oxo. Or with a little different approach: H is for Health, So Keep Face-Elle on hand, It's Canada's finest, the Softerized brand.
All went well until the children came home singing the jingles. Then the parents began to complain.
Officials of the Ontario Department of Education said that they did not know anything about the publication or how the booklets had found their way into the classrooms. They said that advertising material was, in fact, banned from classrooms by law.
As a result of the controversy caused by the booklet, Mr. and Mrs. John Kiernan of Toronto withdrew their daughter from the third grade at St. Basil's Separate School "because she was spending her time copying the slogans." Mrs. Kiernan commented, "We were surprised and annoyed. It smacks of brainwashing."
(New York Times May 12, 1960)
Click to read
More issues of Comics with Problems soon, as well as a large update on our John Wilcock story, Thanks for your patience on both. RSS and Twitter - Ethan
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