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COMICS WITH PROBLEMS #34 - Early NAACP Comic Book History - Your Future Rests In Your Hands and The Street Where You Live (1960 and 1964)
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Early NAACP Comic Book History

The Future Rests ... In Your Hands (1964)

The Street Where You Live ... And What You Can Do To Improve it.

More an interesting set of items on the history of the NAACP in the early 60's - but take your pick on problems addressed if you'd like.


Early NAACP Comic Book History 
The Future Rests ... In Your Hands (1964) 
The Street Where You Live ... And What You Can Do To Improve it. (1960) 
PROBLEM(s) DEALT WITH: More an interesting set of items on the history of the NAACP in the early 60's - but take your pick on problems addressed if you'd like.
07/02/2009, 17:14:08
I love the front cover image. "Negroes, excuse me, Criminals. Yes, Criminals ...are a cowardly lot..."
07/03/2009, 10:32:40
You'd think the Walkers wouldn't want to live in a house with such a racist garage.
07/06/2009, 19:36:57
07/08/2009, 17:55:35
Tom Poles
Great stares of 'what the fk' from the white people, middle panel
07/10/2009, 09:41:54
Almost a half century later and the arguments presented in this comic book for Black failure are still being peddled like they are the real cause. We gave the Blacks the vote, and they proceeded to burn down Detroit, start one of the greatest crime waves in American history and do even worse in school. When this comic book was put out the Black illegitimacy rate was around 25%, now it is 70%, and in the urban core it is close to 100%! 
The root cause of Black failure is that these people have a mean IQ of 85, while the average White man has an IQ of 100. Blacks are simply too stupid to succeed in a comlex society and end up doing the scut work they are qualified for. Those Blacks to stupid or lazy to even do scut work end up turning to crime to support themselves.  
I hope that 50 years from now we won't have to keep hearing the same excuses for Black failure.
12/05/2009, 13:55:27
"Blacks are simply too stupid to succeed in a comlex society" 
Laughs at that! Is comlex a prescription drug for clowns syndrome?
12/07/2009, 01:44:07
That's a cheap shot Rondoof. Instead of attacking what I wrote, you point out one typo.  
But back to my point the Black homicide rate is between 50-60 homicides for every 100k Blacks, while the White rate is 3 to 5 murders for every 100k Whites. Blacks are simply more violent and less likely to succeed in school than Whites. The root cause of these disparities is a difference in intelligence.
12/07/2009, 10:24:20
Astrid Jakobs
An explanation as to why the average IQ of a black person is lower than that of a white person is because IQ tests are geared towards middle-class white people. There are many problems with the IQ test as a measure of intelligence. Many education experts have acknowledged the race bias when dealing with IQ tests. 
I think your arguments sound quite ignorant. Canada is a very multicultural and diverse country. While racism still exists, it is not nearly as pronounced as it is in America. Black people have not been as marginalized here as they are in the States. The result? "Black crime" is practically at par with "white crime" or crimes committed by Asians and most other minorities. 
However, Native Canadians are a minority that are very over-represented in crime statistics. They commit much more crime than black people or white people or what-have-you. Not surprisingly, Native groups have been extremely marginalized ever since the first European settlers encountered them. Stripped of their culture, family contacts and forced on small reserves of land made them quite resentful. Alcoholism is a big problem among Natives. 
Do you see a parallel? Black people are marginalized in America while Native people are discriminated against in Canada. Perhaps the lack of opportunity and disrespect that had forced both groups in poverty in both countries is a contributing factor to the high crime rate among these minorities.
12/09/2009, 00:32:27
Astrid, East Asian immigrants that come to the US at the age of twelve with little command of English still end up scoring as well as Whites.  
American Indians likely have an IQ lower than that of US Blacks, which is why they are susceptible to alcoholism and criminal behavior. A few years back the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations came out and in it the author complied a table listing the IQ's of most countries on earth. Guatemala, which is almost all American Indian is listed in the book as having a national IQ of 79. If your Indians score close to 79 they are borderline retarded, which would explain why they are a social nuisance.  
The table of national IQ's is available here in Wikipedia if you want to look it over.
12/09/2009, 14:04:46
Ronduck, you're attacking blacks and now indians? Combined, those are two of the most spiritually and culturally important groups on the planet. I have to laugh at your nonsense, because I can list very little that white bigots have given us. Other than bigotry, of course. Thanks! 
Your hatred is depressing to read, and must be very internally confusing. My sympathies, bro! Go have loving sex with a nice black woman on a delicately woven indian rug. It'll open your mind like a can of sardines. Sardines!
12/09/2009, 14:54:56
Harrison, click on the link I provided to the wiki article. National IQ correlates strongly with national income, and predicts success in life most of the time, although there are exceptions.  
The Founding Fathers, Henry Ford, most of the early (successful) GM management, and us presidents up until the recent era were all racists. And don't forget that the Apollo Moon Landing was made possible by Nazi scientists imported after the war.  
Name one scientific achievement that can be credited to Blacks, just one.
12/09/2009, 16:32:34
Wow, the cloud of fog you write from. I'm not even giving this five minutes for a reply.  
> Name one scientific achievement  
> that can be credited to Blacks, just one. 
I think the challenge will be just, that, name just one! Immediately just off the top of my head: 
George Washington Carver 
I'm glad we can both agree Ford was an asshole.
12/09/2009, 16:46:54
Sex with a nice black girl that can heal you ... Indian woven rug. Little ethnic music on the radio, authentic mexican food. And maybe some Bollywood on the tv. Consider it. Shit, you can even do it in your GM car!
12/09/2009, 16:57:24
Astrid Jakobs have to stop quoting IQ's as a true measure of intelligence. Did you not read what I wrote? Many experts agree that the IQ test has a lot of problems and is archaic. 
Asian people may well score close to the average which white people score, but their scores are still lower than that of white people. Are poor white people stupid too? The poor students consistently score lower than their middle-class counterparts. 
Why is this? Because as I mentioned before, IQ tests are geared towards middle-class white children. 
As for why Native Canadians are prone to alcoholism is that before the Europeans came, Natives did not have traditional alcohol. Their livers are not equipped to deal with alcohol and does not break it down as fast as the livers of white people. This makes it much easier for them to become alcoholics. Most crime Native people commit can be attributed to alcoholism. 
No minority needs to be a "social nuisance". We need to stop marginalizing these people and give everybody equal opportunities. 
And wikipedia as source material? Please! Spare me!
12/09/2009, 19:22:55
Whiney Straw Man
"Many experts agree that the IQ test has a lot of problems and is archaic." 
Well, that's just it. Experts?! Question mark. What about me? Exclamation Point! I need money! And inclusion! I have decided, pause for it, I blame the black.
12/09/2009, 20:38:17
Astrid Jakobs
Who has the straw man argument? Ronduck or me? 
Just another point though: It's really hard to argue with someone who sees the world through the veil of racism. I'm probably going to get an argument back from ronduck that says, "IQ tests are totally valid! I read it on wikipedia!"
12/09/2009, 22:07:32
Astrid Jakobs
Another point: We don't call our Natives "Indians". They are far different than Guatemalan Indians. In any case, Guatemala doesn't have any specific "Guatemalan" IQ test. They take the same IQ tests that are made in America, they're just translated. I'm serious.
12/10/2009, 00:10:04
If you look at the wikipedia article Japan scores higher than the US, as does South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Second, East Asian students often score a few points higher than Whites here in the US, and they make up a significant portion of Ivy League graduates. So the performance of Asian students and countries correlates perfectly with their performance on IQ tests.  
Third, if Asian students can succeed in America and master exams that you claim are biased towards middle class Whites, then why do US Blacks and Natives, who have been in contact with US culture for 400 years still fail? US Blacks speak English as their native tongue, as do the majority of US Indians. Our minorities watch the same TV, and in the case of Indians, a large majority of them don't live on reservations.  
I'll agree that Indians don't metabolize alcohol as well, Orientals often get an alcoholic flush from drinking, indicating that they still have minor problems digesting it too. Having said that Orientals, having a higher IQ than American Indians have the good sense to control their drinking, whereas Amerinds do not.
12/10/2009, 07:39:54
Harrison, George Washington Carver was not as remarkable as his myth makes him out to be.
12/10/2009, 07:54:10
Astrid Jakobs
And as I also stated, it is so hard for racists to see through their veil of bigotry. Everyone here thinks you're a fucking idiot and society is against people like you. You lose by default.
12/10/2009, 12:13:23
If I lose by default then you are not even considering my arguments. The author of the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations also posted his table of national IQ's on his personal website here: 
In fact, if I lose by default then you are the one with the closed mind because you are not willing to consider my point of view. Liberals preen about being open minded, but when it comes to considering evidence they, and you specifically, hold a near religious belief in human equality, especially cognitive equality.
12/10/2009, 12:43:52
Anita Baker
Geeze, what a bozo. Point on the doll where the world hurt you, Rondy.  
"they, and you specifically, hold a near religious belief in human equality, especially cognitive equality." Hallelujah, sister!
12/10/2009, 13:05:24
Arf Arf Arf!
I'm dying to know it . . . What's your IQ, Ron Duck? 
Also, HAW HAW!
12/10/2009, 13:16:40
Astrid Jakobs
The reason I say you lose by default is because you're an old-fashioned bigot who hold a near religious belief that just because people have a different skin and culture, they are clearly inferior. 
Every race has stupid people and bad people. They also have smart people and good people. I don't know for sure that everybody is cognitively equal, but I know we are all human beings who deserve equal opportunities and the right not to be discriminated against and marginalized. 
I love how you call me closed minded but never responded to my argument that poor white students score lower than their middle-class counterparts. 
I already discussed your "evidence". Nothing but wikipedia (not a good source)and some guy that compiled a list of IQ scores that are all American published. 
You failed to note my argument that education experts (more than one) dispute the validity of an IQ test as a complete picture of how intelligent as person is. Read any developmental psychology textbook's section on Measuring Intelligence. There are many factors at play in measuring true intelligence. 
I don't believe in human equality and cognitive equality per se. There are people who are not as intelligent as other and there are bad people who are not of an equal moral caliber, but I do not believe that we can attribute differences purely to race. There are a number of factors that are interrelated which determine character. Just because someone is more intelligent than somebody else, it doesn't mean that they will necessarily be more successful than someone with lower intelligence. It has to do with personal character and environmental factors which work together. There are a number of observable patterns in regards to race, but as I mentioned before, there are reasons which contribute to circumstance. There are so many factors, all which interrelate in a very complex way to produce a person. 
I believe in equal opportunity for all. Stupid, out-dated and ignorant eugenic arguments would not exist if this were the case.
12/10/2009, 22:27:10
Astrid Jakobs
Another thing: Your "Indians" and our Natives are not the same. 
I never mentioned anything about Native Americans. That is a different ball-park. While similar, they are not the same. If you want to talk to me about aboriginals, use my example of Native Canadians because that's what I was referring to. Not Guatemalans or "Indians".
12/11/2009, 00:34:47
Astrid Jakobs
And as for that list of "reading material" you sent me. Why on earth would reading intolerant eugenic propaganda persuade me? I lack that "bigoted asshole" capacity in me just as you seem to lack the compassion and kindness capacities when it comes to races other than White (and Asian for some fucked up reason that only makes sense to you and others of your mind-set).
12/11/2009, 00:44:21
I'm not calling for the Indians to be wiped out, nor am I calling for eugenics. You are correct that IQ scores for Whites vary. In any group about say 10% will score 15 points above the group average, and 10% will score 15 points below the group average. So if the IQ for US Whites is 100, about 10% of Whites will score an 85 or lower. Blacks however have an average IQ of 85, meaning only about 10% of them will merely be average for Whites. The reason this is important is that the US spends more per capita to deliver k-12 education than Scandinavia, and probably Canada. Despite all of the money we spend to help Blacks graduate HS, and possibly advance to college they fail, blame us for their failure and demand more money to correct their failure. After we spend more money on their education...they still fail. For US Whites we are in a no-win situation, because no matter how much we spend on our Black population we get accused of racism because of Black failure. I would love it if US Blacks would succeed, and stop blaming us, but instead they fail and then turn to a life of crime and drugs. If we were to admit that Blacks do not have the ability to compete in large numbers (a small number can make it) at the higher levels of society, we could stop wasting money and put our Blacks into professions that they are more qualified for. Instead we mindlessly assume that since everyone is equal we can import millions of Mexicans, who naturally push the Blacks out of blue collar work they used to dominate, like construction. This naturally leads to rampant Black unemployment, and bitter frustration among US Blacks.  
And since there is probably a White-Native IQ gap as well we need to admit the truth about them as well and admit that unskilled immigration throws them out of the job market.
12/11/2009, 09:49:18
The best society would be one where we used race-blind IQ tests to sort out the truly bright and give them an education their minds can handle. The problem is that if we use IQ tests to sort out the gifted Blacks, Whites and Natives, we have to admit the a smaller fraction of Blacks and aboriginals will make the cutoff for top slots in education. Since American society won't admit the obvious about Black and Native abilities, we can't use tests to spot the truly gifted since that would reveal the Black-White gap. The end result is that we promote unqualified Blacks/Natives and end up making those who are qualified look like they were promoted for racial reasons too, since they are mixed in with so many racial promotes.  
I want these people to succeed, but we need to stop living in a fantasy world about what they are capable of. A person with lower IQ however, also often has lower self control, which would explain why Natives/Aboriginals have such high rates of alcoholism.  
I'll finish by asking you to go to this page and look at the third graph down from the top. The third graph shows that SAT scores increase with family income, but even then, the lowest White trash outscores the wealthiest Blacks in America. The American SAT test is basically an IQ test, meaning that the children of the wealthiest Black families that hope to go to college are on average dumber than the children of poor White trash who want to go to college.
12/11/2009, 09:58:31
Arf Arf Arf!
"The best society would be one where we used race-blind IQ tests to sort out the truly bright" 
Right, and perhaps a camp for focusing on the others. A concentration camp!
12/11/2009, 11:25:54
Ronduck is clearly a fool. Doesn't he remember that 100 is not an average but a mean. I.E., 50% are above and 50% below. that figure. I note Ronduck doesn't seem to know anything about bell distributions. Asuming that "black" IQ is in fact 85 and this figure in fact means anything or is accurate. Then c. 68% of black IQ is one standard deviation around 85. what this means is that 38% is one standard deviation above 85. that works out to 85-100 on a IQ scale and guess what your figure of only 10% of blacks being above 100 is wrong. the actual figure is on a normal bell curve distruuburtion is c. 16.2%. Rather higher than Ronduck's 10%. I note Ronduck's whining complaints about Black failure and spending money on Blacks is a waste and so on and so forth. It is all the usual whine. And the usual whine about blacks being but in jobs they are not qualified for. I could of course go into the problems with IQ tests has measures of intelligence but its been done before and idiots like Ronduck ignore it. Oh and thanks for the fantasy idea that people with lower IQ are incapable of self control. That is false. Oh and one of the places on earth with the lowest murder rate is Burkina Faso in Africa, populated overwhelmingly by Blacks who are incapable of delf control according to the likes of Ronduck. Oh and please explain the very high rates of drug abuse among wealthy A"white" Americans with such drugs as cocaine. I also note that although the type of crime varies by social class and to a degree by ethnicity the fact is in the USA there is little variation among groups in terms of how many crimes are committed. The rate of white colalr crimes etc., among wealthier Americans is not low.
07/17/2011, 19:26:32