a complete and unexpurgated republishing of all 146 issues (including supplements and related ephemera) of The Realist (historic underground magazine, more information)

You are reading issue No. 09 - Including "THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL" - June/July 1959
Historically significant as one of the earliest articles published on this gigantic culture-changing subject, and written while oral contraceptives were still very illegal in the U.S. Also published with a commendable measure of brinksmanship, as information on this topic risked a hostile response from any number of groups and institutions of that time. Note then, the clever anthropological angle, including the "translated from spanish" instructions on how to take the pill on page six. The FDA would later approve prescription and distribution of the pill in 1960, but not without tragic health complications for many women in the first few years due to the dosage exceeding ten times the current amount. Also in this issue, and of note, see: IN DEFENSE OF THE BEAT GENERATION (pg 14) and Robert Anton Wilson's letter on Page Two.

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Issue No. 09 - June/July 1959 { Page 09 }

01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 -14 - 15 - 16

JUNE/JULY 1959 CONTENTS: Page 01: THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL by Harry Kursh -- Page 02: SIR REALIST (letters) - As stated above, see column three for a rare early-era letters page appearance of Robert Anton Wilson, in reply to reader response over his "The Semantics of God" piece from issue no. eight -- Page 03: Editorials: THE CONTRACEPTIVE CASE TRIAL -- Page 04: THE UNKNOWN ARTIST -- Page 05: VIM WITHOUT VIGORO -- Page 06: THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL (discretely continued from page one), including Instructions to Follow for Taking Pills -- Page 07 : AMONG MY SOUVENIRS and Fictional Foreshadowing? -- Page 08: RELIGIOUS SOCIO-POLITICS AROUND THE WORLD -- Page 09 -- Page 10: John Francis Putnam's MODEST PROPOSALS - with - And Now Our Little Band-a Will Play Some Propaganda -- Page 11: The TOLERANT PAGAN ... by Reginald Dunsany -- Page 12: FOLLOW-UP TO PAST ISSUES -- Page 13 -- Page 14: IN DEFENSE OF THE BEAT GENERATION by Paula Rivers -- Page 15 Contributors List - Ad Nauseam and JACK AND THE BEAT STALK (Kerouac)-- Page 16: LABEL, LABEL, WHO'S GOT THE LABEL? by John Wilcock, editor and publisher of Echo (the magazine you play with your phonograph, 1959) - see these pieces on Echo at wfmu: article #1 and article #2

All original content copyright © The Realist Association and its contributing writers and artists -- Paul Krassner, Editor. Posted with Permission. Visit paulkrassner.com

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