a complete and unexpurgated republishing of all 146 issues (including supplements and related ephemera) of The Realist (historic underground magazine, more information)

You are reading issue No. 146 - THE FINAL ISSUE OF THE REALIST - Spring, 2001
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PAGES: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

SPRING 2001 CONTENTS: Page 01: OPIUM by Norman Rockwell -- Page 02: COURT JESTER - Swan Song - Dan Rather, Harry Shearer and Me - McKenna's Brain - Ah Sordid Announcements and AN INTERVIEW WITH MYSELF -- Page 03: Walt Kelly on Paul Krassner -- Page 04: CHECKMATING WITH PAWNS -- Page 05: STAN MACK'S DISPATCHES and A VIEW FROM ANOTHER WINDOW -- Page 06: WE SHALL OVERLAP -- Page 07 -- Back Cover: UNHEARD MELODIES ARE SWEETER by Lynn Phillips and MEDIA FREAK - All the News That's Fit to Piss - The Federal Fight Against Medicine - Lost and Found - Filler Items

All original content copyright © The Realist Association and its contributing writers and artists -- Paul Krassner, Editor. Posted with Permission. Visit paulkrassner.com

click the image for the main archive index.

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