a complete and unexpurgated republishing of all 146 issues (including supplements and related ephemera) of The Realist (historic underground magazine, more information)

You are reading Issue No. 20 - Featuring An Impolite Interview with Jean Shepherd and Materialism of the Month - October 1960

Issue No. 20 - October, 1960 { Page 10 }

01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - Centerfold Item - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32

OCTOBER 1960 CONTENTS: Page 01: A Fable For Our Time: THE SECOND COMING - AN IMPOLITE INTERVIEW WITH JEAN SHEPHERD -- Page 02 -- Page 03: EDITORIAL TYPE STUFF -- Page 04: Adoption and Religion II - Attention All Eavesdroppers - The Ultimate Sales Gimmick -- Page 05: Announcing An Occasional Competition - Launching Hoaxnik Two -- Page 06: CORE AND SURFACE by Lawrence Barth: What's Inside the Great Contraction? -- Page 07: REPORT FROM AN INDEPENDENT RESEARCH LIBRARY by Marvin Kitman -- Page 08: Most Honest Claim of the Month and Most Sincere Offer of the Month -- Page 09: Correction -- Page 10 -- Page 11 -- Page 12 -- Page 13 -- Page 14 -- Page 15: TO IKE: A FAREWELL, YOU MIGHT SAY, A TRIBUTE by Grandma Moses on her 100th Birthday -- Page 16 -- Centerfold Item -- Page 17 -- Page 18 -- Page 19: The Realist Bookshelf -- Page 20: SIR REALIST (letters) -- Page 21: The Gold-Plated Ct - The House That Frank Destroyed - Department of Rumored Progress - Sit Down and Be Counted -- Page 22: TAKE ME OUT TO THE REGULAR RETAIL OUTLET and DEPARTMENT OF UNINTENTIONAL SATIRE -- Page 23: NEGATIVE THINKING by Robert Anton WIlson: The Semantics of the Soul -- Page 24 -- Page 25: DIABOLIC DIALOGUES and THE REALIST SEAL OF APPROVAL -- Page 26: A CHILD'S PRIMER ON THE COLD WAR - I LOVE A PROTEST PARADE by Judith Lines Tucker and GRAFFITI OF THE MONTH -- Page 27: THE TOLERANT PAGAN by Reginald Dunsany and GOD HELPS THOSE ... -- Page 28: End of the World Postponed Again - Eschatology, Anyone? - The Menopause That Refreshes -- Page 29: AN IMPOLITE INTERVIEW WITH PAUL KRASSNER -- Page 30: MATERIALISM OF THE MONTH -- Page 31 -- Back Cover: MODEST PROPOSALS by John Francis Putnam

All original content copyright © The Realist Association and its contributing writers and artists -- Paul Krassner, Editor. Posted with Permission. Visit paulkrassner.com

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