a complete and unexpurgated republishing of all 146 issues (including supplements and related ephemera) of The Realist (historic underground magazine, more information)

You are reading issue No. 31 - Including THE F.B.I. IN PEACE AND COLD WAR and AN IMPOLITE INTERVIEW WITH LENNY PERLMAN - February, 1962
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Issue No. 31 - February 1962 { Page 05 }

01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32

FEBRUARY 1962 CONTENTS: Page 01: THE F.B.I. IN PEACE AND COLD WAR by William Worthy and HOW TO HELP A BOPPING GANG GO SOCIAL by Paul Krassner -- Page 02 -- Page 03: EDITORIAL TYPE STUFF -- Page 04 -- Page 05 -- Page 06 -- Page 07 -- Page 08: REALIST FIRST READER: A CHILD'S PRIMER ON DIVORCE and The Last Word in Castro Convertibles -- Page 09: BUT ASK HIM MORE... by Roy Bongartz -- Page 10: Department of Double Entendre and Quoted Without Comment -- Page 11 -- Page 12 -- Page 13: TEACHER, MAY I PLEASE LEAVE THE ROOM? -- Page 14: For Better or For Worse -- Page 15: THE GAME OF "SURVIVAL" by Sally Baldwin -- Page 16 -- Page 17: AN IMPOLITE INTERVIEW WITH LENNY PERLMAN -- Page 18 -- Page 19 -- Page 20 -- Page 21 -- Page 22: THE LANGUAGE BARRIER IN ACTION -- Page 23 -- Page 24 -- Page 25 -- Page 26: CORE AND SURFACE by Lawrence Barth -- Page 27: DIABOLIC DIALOGUES by George Lincoln Rockwell and Mayor Robert Wagner and THE PROBLEM OF RETURNING VETERANS OF THE PEACE CORPS by Marvin Kitman -- Page 28 -- Page 29: J.C. by Ken Seagle and bhob stewart -- Page 30: IF THIS BE HERESY by Albert Ellis, Ph.D. and COPS THAT GO THUMP IN THE NIGHT - or, - THE PIECE CORPS IN CALIFORNIA by Maria di Savio -- Page 31: "... while our half of the class used the rhythm method" by Mort Gerberg -- Back Cover: WHO PUT THE WIENER IN MRS. K'S SCHNITZEL by John Boardman - SICK COLUMNIST - and "Jane ... I feel like the lowest ... dirtiest ... most rotten friend a guy ever had." by Dick Guindon

All original content copyright © The Realist Association and its contributing writers and artists -- Paul Krassner, Editor. Posted with Permission. Visit paulkrassner.com

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