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Welcome - There's lots here. Here's a few recommendations:

MAIN ITEM: John Wilcock, New York Years — Currently serialized on Boing Boing. Read all issues here.

Comics with Problems
A comic to cure EVERY problem - From 1940s messages on Communism to other present-day hysteria. Featured on Mother Jones, Talking Points Memo, The Rachel Maddow Show, Metafilter, Jezebel, Wonkette, CSPAN and Air America.


The Realist Archive
As heard on WTF with Marc Maron, and recognized by the Webby Awards. Archive of Paul Krassner's groundbreaking 1960s counterculture satire magazine. Every issue scanned, restored, and viewable for free. Lenny Bruce, Robert Anton Wilson, others.

Winner of "weirdest website" at 2002 SXSW Interactive Festival. Have you read Teddy?

ALSO: Radio Wire
three issues now online
Printed copy available

Finding other material here: For a list of personal projects, including the George Bush Tijuana Bible, the Poodle Samizdat cartoon, other things - click here.

To peruse available rare comics and other material on this site, Click for a list of menus.

January 1 2018

Announcing: THE BUREAU!

Very pleased to begin daily postings, Monday through Friday, of an album I've been preliminarily working on for around four years, titled "THE BUREAU". The idea behind the album is it's a full working day at a job, meaning when it is complete, there will be around nine hours of music - sufficiently filling an entire day of work with electronic noise. Each moment of a day is timed to a track of music along with a custom comics panel. I'll be drawing panels every day throughout the year to complete the album.

View daily updates on Twitter, Soundcloud, or Facebook as they are posted. Discuss the album here. And to follow as a podcast, use to this RSS Feed.

Daily updates at

Read on for other news on The Realist Archive (now available in PDF), our talk in Parsons NYC, Washington Post on John Wilcock, as well as its inclusion in Best American Comics 2017, and enjoy the music from The Bureau below. Cheers, Ethan




Very happy to receive the fourth stunning (not joking) issue of The American Bystander. I have a 6 page interview with Paul Krassner in there, and look at the insane Steve Brodner wraparound cover.

Posted by Ethan Persoff on Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 2017: Some News
Eisners Nomination and Interview with Its All Journalism

Just a quick update to mention THE REALIST CARTOONS has been nominated for two Eisner Awards - Best Publication Design (credit to Jacob Covey) and Best Archival Project (credit to me and Paul)
See the full list of nominations here.

Additionally, I sat down with It's All Journalism to discuss the John Wilcock comic. Pretty fun hour, or so. Click to listen.

RIP JAY LYNCH. News of Jay's passing in March was extremely sad. I grew up with his work, particularly Bazooka Joe comics, Topps Wacky Packs and Garbage Pail Kids. Though he made incredible work for adult themed audiences, too (sometimes very adult, ha) it was this work that really affected my world view as a child - later adding a subversive element to how I perceive much of the world. I'm so thankful to have worked with Jay on one of his last projects - I think the Realist Cartoons cover might have been his final printed piece - and what an image! See below for the front side, the entire image wraps around and also folds in for the dust jacket. I'm very appreciative for being able to tell Jay directly a good thanks for his impact on my life as a child, and speaking with him I heard about many of his uncredited art efforts for activism and advocacy across the world. (More on that later.) Jay was one of the real ones. Thanks for being here, buddy.

now available from Fantagraphics

Just look at the gorgeous wraparound cover by Jay Lynch, folks!

Overjoyed to announce THE REALIST CARTOONS is now available from Fantagraphics. What started ten years ago as a website to archive all of Paul's issues of the Realist has grown into so many nice things. The Realist Archive is linked all over the planet in student resources (both library guides, college syllabus, high school assignments, used as a primary resource in dissertations, etc) and is regularly referenced in news articles and entertaining internet discussions.

About three years ago, Michael Dooley wrote a piece for PRINT entitled "Paul Krassner and the Art of Offensive Cartoons" which, along with a couple other good turns, led to Fantagraphics expressing interest in a collection of the best comics of the run. The resulting book is a giant HEAVY coffee sized volume, wonderfully designed by Jacob Covey. Pages are a thick creme with two colors throughout and a bunch of labored details make this a real object you'll enjoy.

I'm very thankful to have worked with Paul and Gary Groth on editorially shaping the book. We chose a good strategy to present much of the material in the order it originally appeared (otherwise grouping by theme might be very peculiar - ten pages of just KKK jokes, or five pages of segregation, for example) - There are a number of editoral notes in the book that discuss this presentation strategy, and copious footnoes. After the election, the book suddenly appears much more topical and vital than even before. Each of the images included have been meticulously rescanned from the Realist Archive, and it's just a dandy thunker of a book that'll glow on your coffee table. Trust me on this one - You'll love it.

Read about the book on Fantagraphics site | link to buy a copy

(permanent link to this entry)

November 2016: NEW ELECTRONIC RECORDINGS (2008-2017)

(Jokey the Clown)

(Looper Mood)

I'm thankful to have a lot of good projects going right now. It's been an impossible amount of work over two decades, but good things are starting to show up. There's the John Wilcock comic with Scott (new pages will post soon on Boing Boing), my own comic Radio Wire (working on issue four presently), the Realist Cartoons book is about to be published, Comics with Problems is approaching 75 issues of some of the rarest comics on the planet, and some other really incredible projects I can't discuss yet. One thing that's always my stress relief for comics and other efforts is electronic music. I work with a lot of electronic equipment, with a similar goal to find the oddest and most unusual sounds as I do with finding odd documents and comics. Most of these are found in six or seven albums, found on my music page. But I've noticed that I often cover up the electronic component with really rare samples - that it's not always immediately clear what is sampled, what is performed by me, or what is edited, etc. So this new album is an effort to break from samples and weird records (I might start posting them as undisturbed audio) - And here's a new album simply called "Electronic Recordings" which will include new and unpublished audio work from as far back as 2008, through the end of next year. You can see a full playlist of songs at www.ep.tc/electronic as they're posted. Looper Mood is posted above. Here's the other first four tracks:

Funny side-note: "Coping with Stress" and "A Rest at Four in the Morning" were done the week Trump won the election. Impossibly tough week, but happy with the two recordings that came out of it. The police radio at the beginning of the Four in the Morning track was a live recording from a police scanner in Austin from someone flipping out in a hotel room over the election results.

More music will be posted througout the next year.

Listen to: Electronic Recordings, 2008-2017

(permanent link to this entry)

New for August 2016: Interview with Flashbak.com


Sat down with an interview about Comics with Problems and other items on the site. Click to read.

(permanent link to this entry)


"Persoff's site is deep, well-scanned and researched, and completely unique." — SPD Blogs

"Evil Genius" — Dangerous Minds - Ha, thanks.

Photo of Ethan Persoff Ethan Persoff
P.O.Box 7254, Austin TX 78713 USA


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Welcome to this site. Featured work:

Teddy and RADIO WIRE
Love stories (see also)

Music, Now available in the U.S.

JOHN WILCOCK: New York Years
By Ethan Persoff and Scott Marshall

1957 atomic revolution comic book
Lucky find


- http://www.ep.tc -

(Note: Poodle and Masks done with Scott Marshall)

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